Photos of the IJT, preparing for Aero India 2011 - Broadsword by Ajai Shukla - Strategy. Economics. Defence.

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Saturday, 5 February 2011


Photos of the IJT, preparing for Aero India 2011

This Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) Sitara, which is the same one that skidded off the runway in Aero India 2007, will be performing a full aerobatics display at this year's air show.

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  1. blank

    What's the status of the project and is the new engine fitted and the problems sorted out?

  2. blank

    Thanks for the photos Ajai Sir.

    BTW a humble request. Please share some info about its status........ It seems like IJT is missing deadlines like anything and there was also one news which claimed that SKAT is moving to HAWK dumping Sitara.

  3. blank

    great to see sitara back.. Hope all issues have been sorted out...

  4. 26oogjs6ust9mw0id6nw

    Any timeline when will it be inducted?

  5. blogger_logo_round_35

    What happened to the 12 IJT that were supposed to be inducted into the IAF on June 30 2010? Last i heard that the new engine has been successfully integrated into the IJT, so what is causing the delay?

    Any updates, Ajai?

  6. blank

    Splendid! By giving a flawless display this time around it'll redeem the honour it lost during that incident in AI '07.

  7. blank

    The IJT is such a cutie!

  8. blank

    ajai! you must conduct a beauty contest for all the planes appearing this time at AI2011!!!

  9. blank

    They seem to demand the ToT from all corners of the world, but seem to forget the ToT from Tejas to Sitara IJT. I hope that by now they must have corrected all their errors.
